Posts in NHPR
Diary of a Down-Ballot Race

Republican State Senator Nancy Stiles sits in her favorite Portsmouth coffee shop, wearing a summer dress and a necklace of big yellow beads. After serving three terms in Concord representing District 24, she’s decided to step down: time to give someone else a turn. Within weeks of Stiles’ retirement, a quartet of eager Republicans stepped in the race to replace her.

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NHPRNatasha HavertyPolitics
How a Few Lines on a Map Hold So Much Power in New Hampshire Politics

Democrats are having success like never before, scoring wins that would have been unimaginable just two decades ago. But despite that shift, there’s one place where Republicans still have a leg up on Election Day: the state Legislature. And there’s a reason for this, an invisible force that drives everything in politics, that you probably won’t hear mentioned on the campaign trail: redistricting. 

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