Posts tagged Wanderings
Goodbye, Hometown

It's travel time for a lot of people this week. But one family from the North Country recently made a bigger journey than most—all the way to sunny California, and they did the whole trip by train. The family had a one way ticket, taking them out to a new life on the west coast.

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Rare American Chestnut Stands Tall In Northern New York

American chestnuts once made up a quarter of all the forest between Maine and Georgia. Animals depended on the tree for its fruit and humans used the wood. But at the beginning of the last century, a blight wiped out almost all of the chestnut trees. A few survive, including one specimen in upstate New York. The family that planted that tree 27 years ago enjoys its blooms each year at this time.

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Earthlings Watch the Venus Transit

Yesterday evening Venus made its last journey across the face of the sun, as seen from Earth, until the year 2117. People of all ages covered the southeast corner of the St. Lawrence University practice fields to get their look at earth’s closest neighboring planet, peering through one of the big telescopes or a pair of safe solar glasses.

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